
  • Marcelo Castillo Instituto de Ciencia Política – Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – UdelaR
  • Guillermo Fuentes Instituto de Ciencia Política – Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – UdelaR
  • Carmen Midaglia Instituto de Ciencia Política – Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – UdelaR


This article examines the complexities within the task of coordination in the public social field, taking as a case in point the Uruguayan Ministry of Social Development. In order to do this, coordination instances convened by the government agency, are studied with the purpose of identifying somewhat integrated dynamics between territorial levels. Although the array of areas within regional reach seems indicative of a political thrust towards curbing the centralistic pattern of public intervention, it is possible to affirm that the retreat towards a micro level had been relatively messy. The latter, highlights the intricacies at work and the need to establish a clear political meaning to this type of public action.


Social Policy, Intrastate Coordination, Public Management


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