From software to computer-implemented inventions: Conceptual, regulatory and stakeholder treatment



Software is protected by copyright, but in recent decades patents have been granted for what have been called “computer-implemented inventions”. The objective of this article is to analyze the scope and limits of these inventions by reviewing definitions proposed in the scientific literature, multilateral regulatory frameworks, regional policies and guidelines, and the identification of actors from a multilevel approach to analyze contributions and relationships. This is an exploratory and documentary research. The results show that technical standards and jurisprudence provide confidence in the evaluation of patent applications for computer-implemented inventions in certain jurisdictions, however unequal treatment generates legal uncertainty in international environments.


software, computer-implemented inventions, patents, European Union, Andean Community

Author Biographies

Piedad Lucía Barreto Granada, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Doctor in Law from the Carlos III University of Madrid. Lawyer, professor and coordinator of the Master's Degree in Intellectual Property Faculty of Law

Leopoldo Soriano Belda, Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas

Industrial Engineer. European Patent Law Course at the School of Industrial Organization-Spain. He is head of the General Mechanics and Construction Patents area of ​​the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. It belongs to the Department of Patents and technological information

José Luis Salazar López, Oficina de asesoría y consultoría en propiedad industrial

Chemical engineer, Lawyer specialized in Computer Law and New Technologies from the Externado de Colombia University. Advisor for the private sector on industrial property issues

Paula Alejandra Jiménez Lozano, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Lawyer from the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia and research assistant of the Intellectual Property Line at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia


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